业务 and Financial Planning



  • 通过选择所需课程上的“添加到购物车”进行在线注册,并在准备结帐时选择页面底部的“购物车”.
    • “剩余座位”信息每半小时更新一次,并在您结账时更新一次.
  • 其他 registration options 是可用的.

Don’t see the course you are looking for below? 注册以获取即将到来的课程的更新和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.


Beginner's Guide to Investing

在这个为投资初学者准备的个人理财工作坊中, 我们将讨论像货币市场和存单这样的短期投资, and work up to bonds, stocks and mutual funds, as well as how to set investment goals, determine your risk tolerance, and create an investment plan; short-term and long-term investment opportunities; the basic types of investment accounts; and how to research investments.

Course will be held in 威尔,113房间 

Katelyn Christiansen Instructor

Beginner's Guide to Investing
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zbfp - 084 500 还剩16个座位 $30

Explore 250 Legitimate 首页 Based 业务 Ideas

把你的才能和爱好转化为利润,开始一个家庭企业. 由商会主席和屡获殊荣的企业主授课, 本课程将向您介绍250合法的家庭经营理念, as well as mandatory legal documentation, ways to market your product or service, and how to take tax deductions. 网络研讨会登录信息将在上课前一天通过电子邮件发送. 需要退课的学生必须在课程开始前五个工作日退课,以便退款. This course is taught remotely via Zoom.

This is a remote course via Zoom.

LeeAnne Krusemark, Instructor 

Explore 250 Legitimate 首页 Based 业务 Ideas
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zbfp - 033 500 还剩10个座位 $39

Maximizing Your Social Security Benefit

几个关键的决定会对你的社会保障福利数额产生很大的影响. 参加这个实践研讨会,学习从社会保障中获得最多钱的策略. Learn how to plan for taxes, health care and other costs during retirement, 以及如何明智地增加和保护你的退休收入. 这节课将介绍主要的社会保障福利选择, such as individual and spousal options, 并帮助您了解简单的步骤,以最大限度地提高您的利益. 在您做出可能无法逆转的财务决定之前加入我们. Course fee includes a $5 materials fee.

Course will meet in the DCC, B05室

Frank Finch, Instructor

Maximizing Your Social Security Benefit
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下午6:15 - 8:00
zbfp - 047 500 还剩11个座位 $29


指导员将提供一步一步的指导,每个人都需要知道关于医疗保险的一切. 教练会建议所有需要做的(以及所有不需要做的), 以及复习医疗保险的A/B/C/ d,教育学生,这样就没有人需要担心罚款了                                  

10月21日的课程将在纽约马耳他Hermes Road 345 HVCC North举行

Course on 11/11 will be held in Daycare Center , Room B05

Candy Marrero, Instructor

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zbfp - 080 500 还剩20个座位 $15

NYS Notary Public Law Refresher Course

本课程回顾和更新当前的纽约公证法. 目前22页的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》将通过新的电子公证信息和公证日志记录保存协议进行审查和突出. 这是一个必须为每一个委托纽约公证人适当地执行他们的权力, duties and responsibilities. 使用现实生活场景的例子将解释公证员可能遇到的情况. 主题包括如何避免利益冲突的概述, 法律道德, 允许的费用, and addressing special situations. All materials will be provided, 包括一个链接到纽约州许可信息部门的网站和一本68页的公证员审查指南,其中包含当前的术语表. Course fee includes a $18 materials fee.

Course will be held in DCC, B06室

Victor Bujanow, Instructor

NYS Notary Public Law Refresher Course
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zbfp - 082 500 还剩24个座位 $57

NYS Notary Signing Agent

如果你目前是纽约州的公证人,并一直想探索赚取额外的收入与你目前的公证人佣金, this seminar is for you !After completing this basic introductory course, 你将有机会在自由职业者的基础上工作,在你自己的独立企业工作与抵押贷款, 给那些愿意雇佣你的公司命名并签约, 你在哪里可以赚取75元至150元或以上的公证及提供按揭贷款文件. All materials are included in this course, which features a step-by-step guide book, sample loan documents, 20页抵押贷款术语表和YouTube模拟贷款签约. Course fee includes a $18 materials fee.

Course will be held in DCC, B06室

Victor Bujanow, Instructor

NYS Notary Signing Agent
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zbfp - 078 500 还剩19个席位 $57

Notary Public Review Workshop

本课程将为您准备纽约州公证人考试,并为您提供有关公证人角色的全面概述. 混淆的法律、概念和程序将被清楚地解释和澄清. 我们将举例说明公证员可能遇到的情况. Topics include avoiding conflicts of interest, maintaining professional ethics, charging proper fees, handling special situations, when to defer to an attorney, and minimizing legal liability. 对于想要充分了解权威的候选人来说,这个研讨会是必须的, 成为公证员的义务和责任. 将提供所有材料,包括网站信息、小册子和表格. 另外还有一个80道的练习考试,试图模仿纽约州的实际强制性考试. Course fee includes a $18 materials fee.

Course will be held in DCC, B06室

Victor Bujanow, Instructor

Notary Public Review Workshop
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zbfp - 015 500 还剩19个席位 $57

Retirement Accounts for Beginners

本课程将讨论不同类型的退休帐户,并涵盖税务规划和投资考虑, as well as general retirement planning. We will review employer plans like 401k and 403b; discuss the differences between traditional and Roth IRA; review brokerage and health savings accounts; and create a summary comparing each type of plan. 

Course will be held in 威尔,113房间 

Katelyn Christiansen Instructor

Retirement Accounts for Beginners
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zbfp - 085 500 还剩25个座位 $30




传真: (518) 629-8103

有规律: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)